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September 2019, Mrs. Heuter received an invitation for the “Schülerwettbwerb” organized by the Rotary Club Aachen: „Die Ausschreibung beruht auf der Karlspreisrede von Antonio Guterres und hier insbesondere den drei Schwerpunkten Klimakrise, Migration und Missachtung Internationaler Kooperationen. Grundsätzlich geht es darum eigene Gedanken und Ideen zu diesen Themen zu finden und die Anregungen der Ausschreibung zu konkretisieren. Das Format ist den Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern überlassen. Der Wettbewerbsbeitrag sollte in 10 bis maximal 15 Minuten präsentiert werden können.

Mrs. Heuter asked her V4 GP-students if anybody was interested and 4 students stepped forward to participate in the project. It was supposed to be finished end March 2020. Due to Corona, is was extended till end September this year. Oscar, Rik, Tim and Tibo handed in their movie with their vision on Europes’ future. They interviewed e.g. Mr. v.d. Mortel (principal of ROER college Schödeln Roermond) and Mr. Lenaers of the European Parliament. The jury appreciated their contribution and complemented them on their sometimes very original point of view and the excellent editing of the movie.

They were rewarded with the 4th place and Mrs. Heuter is very proud 😊. You did a good job, thanks for all the hard work!

 Students Swettbewerb 2020 Wir in Europa infoto 1920